
  1. In your web browser, go to WordPress.com
  2. You should see the sign-up screen. Click the button that says Create Website.
  3. You are first asked to choose a theme. You can pick one or click the Skip button at the bottom of the page.
  4. On the next screen, enter a name for your domain. If you want the free account, it needs to be in the form of You can choose a new domain, but you’ll need to pay for it.
  5. Click the Select button next to your free domain name.
  6. On the “Pick a plan that’s right for you” page, click the button Select Free Plan. You can upgrade to a premium plan any time after signing up, if you wish to do so.
  7. On the “Create your account” page, type in your email address and then a password to use for your account.
  8. Click the Create My Account button.
  9. In a few seconds your account will be created and you’ll be directed to your account “start” page.
  10. You’ll need to check your email account for an activation/verification email. Click on the Confirm Email Address button in that email. You may now use your new website, and use the features of your account.